Hydrohm's URIDIS system: demonstration in Ghent

Hydrohm's URIDIS system: demonstration in Ghent

Join us on July 6th in Ghent for the opening of Hydrohm's URIDIS technology demonstration.


Safe and sustainable toilets

URIDIS is a water treatment technology developed through the pool of the MELiSSA POMP program, providing safe and sustainable toilets.

URIDIS has two functions: taking valuable components from urine (phosphorous, nitrogen and salt) and pre-treating toilet flushing water to disinfect it.

The system allows to:

  • Save water.
    Pretreated flush water allows source separation with low flush volumes, which results in up to 60% savings in water consumption.
  • Improve hygiene.
    Disinfecting flush water eliminates microbial activity and avoids pathogen spread.
  • Reduce wastewater load.
    Local removal of nutrients reduces the load of the wastewater on the sewer and treatment plant, and nutrient recovery allows reuse.


About Hydrohm

Hydrohm is a recent spin-off of Ghent University and Capture. It was established in 2020 to develop electrifying water treatments as an opportunity to shift towards more local and sustainable water systems, with an increased focus on quality and health. As an alternative to treating water using chemicals, using electricity is renewable, traceless, economical and can be done anywhere. This makes it vital for countries hardest hit by a lack of water, which tends to be developing countries.


Join us in Ghent

The demonstration will be the first deployment of the URIDIS technology, by coupling the system to a public toilet at ‘De Blaarmeersen’ in Ghent.

It will also be the first deployment of the Save! Toilet by Laufen in the Benelux.

The demonstration is open from July 6th to late September.

Plan Ghent


More information here






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