2022 MELiSSA Conference - Abstract Form

The 2022 edition of the MELiSSA Conference is the European platform dedicated to closed-life support systems. It is the place to share and exchange thoughts on fundamental and applied research for Space and Earth applications. All the respective communities: air, water, waste recycling, food production and preparation, modeling, control, safety, circular systems, education and societal impact, ... are represented. The Conference will highlight and foster the collaboration between researchers, engineers, experts, private and public organizations.

The official language of the Conference is English.

The selected abstracts (oral presentation and poster) must be presented on-site in Toulouse (except for Japanese and Russian). We therefore strongly encourage you to consider traveling to Toulouse to present your abstract.

Submissions are closing on 24/08/2024

Upload your file(s)

portrait, shoulder shot, HD and color

64 MB limit.
Allowed filetype: pdf, png, jpg.


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Regenerative Life Support Systems for Long Term Space Missions

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